Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Yes that's right, I brought it up... There's only one thing that can save the planet, and that's POPULATION CONTROL. You've heard all the crazy conspiracy theories. Most of them sound too extreme to me. The financial planners that own our govt have a plan for us, the population... but that plan is very general and vague. Perhaps you, the average consumer, aren't alarmed because all the theories about this topic seem so wild. Therefore you aren't interested in taking a deeper look. Your reaction to wild conspiracy theories has made it easier for the money-controllers to shape the world unobserved.

The human race are overrunning the planet like rats, pigeons or cockroaches. The differences with us are that a) we choose to do this and b) we can easily destroy our planet in just a couple days. Ordinary vermin carry out important functions in the biosphere - humans destroy the biosphere.

Overpopulation creates Earth-threatening emergencies. Now that humans are humping indiscriminately like lower primates in every corner of the globe, all the money-controllers need to do is shape and guide this constant supply of fresh meat through MEDIA.

EVEN AT THE CURRENT RATE OF POPULATION WE WILL SOON DESTROY THE EARTH. We cannot sustain at this rate. We must drastically REDUCE the population and the birth rate very soon, within a few generations, or this planet will die.

People think EVERY CHILD IS PRECIOUS, SO ITS OK IF WE SQUEEZE OUT ANOTHER ONE but it's really not ok. The privilege of bearing children is just that, a privilege. It's not a given right to contaminate this world with another consumer, another polluter, another body. In mindless life forms, reproducing is a natural and necessary function. Not so for humans. Every child born is an emergency for the planet!

If our children aren't raised by the state(school system) and media(your children are raised by MEDIA - how disgusting), and if we teach them globally conscious values, perhaps consumer culture won't be so selfish within a few generations. As of right now, most of the stimuli your children get from their environment involve shaping them into oil burners, plastic users, and dishonest bodies of mindless humping...

China had the best idea when it had a one child policy. Too bad their society wasn't ready to handle this responsibly. They had too many male children! Guess what happens to the rest of the world when a country that huge has too many male children...

If every TWO people had ONE child, we could save the planet.

The earth's total land surface is 149 million square kilometers. Half to three-fourths of that is not suitable to live on.

The human population is supposed to reach 7 billion in 2013.

Do the math, the answer to the emergency is simple... REDUCE THE POPULATION.

BUT, do we want the media-controlling authorities to help us slide into destruction? Do we want to die of starvation and being overrun by vermin? All the emergencies we create on this planet will create emergencies. Solutions to these emergencies will involve MONEY, your money. We will have to pay for licenses to save ourselves from emergencies we created ourselves. We will be driven to the edge of extinction through our own ignorance and dependence on media. We will run screaming to the authorities for solutions, which won't be available to the common person...

There's only one solution, at this point in the game... POPULATION CONTROL.

REPRODUCE RESPONSIBLY and turn off the television. It's really poisonous.

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