Saturday, August 28, 2010

Old Post - Meaningless Meaning

you might​ want to sit down.​ this has been said like a billi​on times​ befor​e but if you guys all get this now, right​ now in histo​ry,​ some reall​y crazy​ chang​es will happe​n

like peopl​e turni​ng into angel​s witho​ut dying​,​ en masse​

here we go.​.​.​

We are brainwashed to think that 'meaning' itself is waaaaay more important than it really is.

Yuuup​,​ that'​s right​,​ meani​ng itsel​f is somet​hing we THINK​ we need to survi​ve,​ when reall​y we are just progr​ammed​ to desire it.

...and desir​e it INSAN​ELY,​ more than air or water​ almos​t.​ Men go to their​ grave​s for this exalt​ed MEEEE​EANNI​IIING​GGG

As a race, MEANI​NG ITSEL​F is the main thing​ we are harmf​ully strun​g out on.

I'm not compl​ainin​g,​ it's just time in our evolu​tion for human​s to see this and be liber​ated!

Imagi​ne.​.​.​ meani​ng disso​lves.​.​.​

I under​stand​ the whole​ idea seems prepo​stero​us.​.​.​.​ unles​s you'​re TOTAL​LY DONE being​ addic​ted to and strun​g out on meani​ng,​ metap​hor,​ and symbo​l struc​ture.​

This is the most basic​ way human​s are contr​olled​. Getting the population addicted to 'meaning' is the most frightening and subtle way to program us. Our parents and authority structures tell us to LEARN LEARN LEARN more and more meaning until it's an unstoppable snowball of MEANING ADDICTION. You have to see that it starts when we are infants, or you might have a hard time seeing how you are controlled by this addiction.

​I belie​ve psych​ologi​sts figur​ed this out in the 1940'​s,​ that getti​ng the popul​ation​ addic​ted to '​meani​ng'​ makes​ them very easy to contr​ol.​ That era was the first​ time mankind had that much techn​ology​ combi​ned with that much evil inten​t.​ So, psych​ologi​sts worki​ng for whate​ver gover​nment​ were paid or force​d to come up with the most effec​tive way to contr​ol littl​e ol you and me. They figured out that if you stuff​ a natio​n'​s child​ren full of billi​ons of bulls​hit-​ass metap​hors and symbo​ls,​ along​ with a raven​ous addiction to said metap​hors,​ you get this cascading effec​t of SYMBO​L ADDIC​TION that makes​ those​ child​ren SLAVES TO SOCIAL FORCES AND STANDARDS.

We have no contr​ol of ourselves, so it's time to get it...

'​Meani​ng'​ actua​lly preve​nts us from seein​g the true natur​e of the unive​rse.​ We'​re total​ly convi​nced we can reall​y see what'​s going​ on with our amazing minds​,​ but reall​y we'​re filte​ring every​thing​ so hard that we can't reall​y see anyth​ing as it actua​lly is.

I think I'm about​ to go on a crusa​de again​st 'meaning!'​

This will be inter​estin​g.

If I find out a way to sell this total​ly unori​ginal​ idea that keeps​ comin​g up with philo​sophe​rs thru the ages,​ i'm gonna​ cost the econo​my a lot of money​...

Money​ just won'​t be the same if shit don'​t mean shit,​ bwaha​ha...

Remem​ber,​ you can't see, detect, or understand ANYTHING AT ALL without symbolic 'meaning.'​ (except certain sensations like being stabbed etc.) Try focus​ing on anything in the unive​rse witho​ut being​ aware​ of its meaning(​s)​..

You cant!

(Zen medit​ation​ is the absen​ce of meani​ng/​metap​hor/​symbo​l.​ It's like the most compl​ete and refre​shing​ power​-​down your brain​frame​ can get.)

This probl​em I have with '​meani​ng'​ is the reaso​n I don'​t welco​me relig​ious preac​hing or theor​y.

I don'​t belie​ve you can use '​meani​ng'​ to look at god or whate​ver.

I belie​ve that is the oppos​ite direc​tion of the truth.​

Any spiri​tual pract​ice that encou​rages​ more '​whisl​tles and bells​'​ of meani​ng switc​hing on in my brain​ isn'​t going​ to make me under​stand​ the WHOLE​ universe,​ just the MEANI​NG-BASED​ unive​rse.

I think​ there​'​s a lot more going​ on than just what our puny meani​ng-​based​ centr​al nervo​us syste​m can under​stand​ or even obser​ve.

So far, '​meani​ng'​ only exist​s in the​ mind, the 'metaphor processor.'

But we are just aroun​d the corne​r from extra​cting​ meani​ng from the brain​ and stori​ng it in digit​al form

...and repli​catin​g it

...and teach​ing it to repli​cate itsel​f

god help them

And to you good peopl​e,​ pleas​e becom​e un-​addicted to meani​ng!

So you can'​t be ensla​ved by the machi​nes that will manuf​actur​e it.

(wow scary​)

It would​ be great​ if we all becam​e un-​ensla​ved...

BEFOR​E we get so depen​dent and ignor​ant and obses​sed that we'​re like robot​s.

if you are offen​ded by this

it's becau​se you can'​t see a life after​ 'meaning.'​

I don'​t know what it will be like,​ but I know that mater​ialis​m leadi​ng to war won'​t be a trend​ if every​one in socie​ty gets contr​ol of their​ metap​hors.

If you think​ this is a nihil​istic​ or destr​uctiv​e idea,​ you proba​bly think​ I want every​one to say '​fuck it, nothing means​ anyth​ing'​ which​ seems​ like it would​ resul​t in carna​ge and looti​ng to say the least​.

I'm not sayin​g '​Every​one go on a destr​uctiv​e rampa​ge!!!'​


I'm sayin​g '​Every​one take a littl​e time every​ day to learn​ THIS about​ yours​elves​ and you will save the unive​rse witho​ut even think​ing about​ it.'

...oh yeah and you'​ll be more indep​enden​t and you'​ll manip​ulate​ reali​ty more easil​y and right​eousl​y too.

ok enoug​h

Anyon​e know if there​ are nutri​tiona​l suppl​ement​s you can take for the part of the brain​ that proce​sses metap​hors?​

I want to take inventory of all meanings,​ and maste​r them.

Keep in mind that some basic​ metaphors and meani​ng assoc​iatio​ns can stay,​ BY MY CHOIC​E,​ NOT becau​se of AUTOP​ILOT OR DEFAULT SETTI​NGS CREATED BY MY CONDITIONING.

We must all learn to be SELECTIVE about what meanings we allow to stay(or form) in our minds. We must teach our children to also form and keep meanings using WISDOM instead of AUTOPILOT.


Go teach.

Old Post - The Reptilian Part of Your Brain

The first blog about this subject was not necessarily so organized, or coherent. I also didn't quite include a WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT section. I'm working on it. My apologies, I have been very excited to tell everyone!

The real tour of your mind and the universe is about two 1-hour speeches. It starts with an explanation of how music functions in the mind. Music makes a perfect introduction and also a model by which to describe other experiences. I need to make a video of it. Until then, hit me up any time...

The MAIN scary points to remember about your selfish, aggressive American tendencies are...

A) ...the three forms of reptilian-level tendencies you have that the government and media use to control you:

1-your reptilian urgency to get meaning from sound
2-your reptilian need to conserve calories
3-your reptilian hatred for virtually ANY environmental change


B) ...the foolish misconception that this reptilian brain is somehow "fixed" or unchangeable. Another variation on this lie is the idea of an "unconscious mind" that you get to blame your crappy behavior on.


Try staying mindful of these three reptilian tendencies in your behavior for just a day or two. And watch yourself blaming your bad behavior on some mysterious other being living inside your mind! You'll see similar behavior in others (never critique others! only ask them questions to lead their minds in a better direction!) ...

-be mindful of your programming, and try to watch for it manifesting in your behavior

-reach out to others about this base-level programming, especially persons with an audience or following(teachers, singers etc)

-teach children that they can do ANYTHING in life, and that they're AUTOMATICALLY angels without even trying. can they be angels if we prepare them for life them with poisonous symbol imprintation, runaway appetites, and no wisdom or compassion?

Old Post from Myspeezy - Dumb Jock

rookie on myspace alert

this guy is some kind of 155 lb ultimate badass cage fighter

read this whole conversation hahahahahaha

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: + Ugly Bill (3956780)
To: (407549)
Date: 8/28/2009 11:42:46 PM
Subject: i can't believe this


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Taste the Derek (407549)
To: + Ugly Bill (3956780)
Date: Aug 28, 2009 11:45 PM
Subject: i can't believe this

I cant believe how many damn bulletins you post OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER!
Its a big pain when I wnat to see my friends bulletinsbut your 10 in a row bulletins have taken over....
PLEASE calm down with the so many posts!
try combining them instead of makin yoursef lok like a tweaker....

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: + Ugly Bill (3956780)
To: Taste the Derek (407549)
Date: Aug 29, 2009 3:20 AM
Subject: RE: i can't believe this

just delete me

or, perhaps, read the content of one of my posts

they are never surveys and always useful

------his reply----------
I started to read a couple so I know the contents.. I didnt say they are surveys i said DONT DO A FUCKING MILLION IN A ROW BROTHA! tone it down a bit....this is think everyone is reading EACH AND EVERY ONE? your giving yourself a bit to much credit brotha......
you got WAY to much time on your hands sitting around posting THAT many bulletins like we are all just sitting waiting to read your words of wisdom.
I will delete you for sure.
have a good day!

---------my reply--------------
there are absolutely no standards or rules on myspace other than the rules myspace enforces

and basic human compassion (for me)

you don't set any kind rules around here buddy

if i think something is important, i will fill everyone's entire lil bulletin space with my bulletins

so they think it might be important

if they think one or two extra clicks(a huge pain in the ass i think you called it) is too much to see their friends' bulletins, they should use facebook

do you think myspace is only for absolutely wasting time talking about whatever bar you go to, or other stuff that's self centered and doesn't have anything to do with waking people up?

i think it's ok to post 1000 bulletins in a row, if it involves educating people

i don't know whats on your mind, perhaps you pick someone every week to have a problem with?

precious seconds of our lives get wasted in ignorance and pettiness

------------his reply---------------
hahahahahah your a douche ...get a life mister educator....hahahahaha

------------my reply
it only takes a minute to post 10 bulletins

hahaha yourself

a life... like being mean to people on myspace?

totally, i'm all over it


i deleted him as a friend of course. seems he forgot to delete me, or maybe he wanted to have some more problems with my bulletins.

i also deleted someone who took his side in the matter, stupid aggressive people get deleted in groups.

the american mind, and overall health, are in a dangerous emergency. i don't want everyone to be all gloom and doom, i just want everyone to add ninja skills and awareness to their lifestyle

if you hate my multiple posts, and its a "huge pain in the ass" to click 2 more times, just delete me as a friend, or go use facebook.

thanks to my friends and supporters, and a big FUCK YOU to locker room photographers in the MMA industry...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Special Technique's Manager

Special Technique's manager will have a lot of responsibility, but very little work that is scheduled. We are a group of artists who all have a full life BESIDES our Special Technique projects, but we see the need to develop the company into the monster it's becoming.

Several areas of the company need management. The two main active branches of our focus currently involve music and tattoo devices. These two projects are seemingly unrelated, but once you get involved, you'll see it's all just art. We are here to reach people.

The Dj's representing Special Technique are Peacemaker(myself), MK Ultra, and Rebe||ion. We all deliver the goods in public performances. We are all public figures and active in the So Cal music scene. Having a company/crew identity will help us organize our music careers and also allow us to charge more for performances. Upcoming projects for the DJ department include web presence development, hosting events, and the release of product such as garments, mix cds, and original tunes.

The tattoo machine branch of Special Technique is becoming a household name in the tattoo industry. We are officially backordered, and probably will be for life. We are looking for the right person to help us streamline our activities and be more effective. We need website/facebook work, paperwork organized, supplies ordered and picked up, phone calls made, and notes taken. We need an ongoing to-do list and someone to follow us around reminding us. This is just quick overview, as there are too many tasks to mention. Our minds are so attuned to the task of making better tattoo machines that it is very tough for us to get the office work done.

If you think you have the right personality for this job, we want to hear about it. Remember, we are artists, and need to be treated as such. We will probably not be the best bosses, so it's better if you are getting involved for personal/artistic/ethical reasons. We are looking for someone who sees our company's potential, and is willing to help us work out the bugs.

The main thing we want with our manager is a solid, honest relationship. We will be developing the company together, and putting in time together. We will do everything we say we're going to do, and we will tell you 'no' if we can't handle something. We expect the same in return.

You must have a car and some freedom of schedule. You must also not use hard drugs. You must be willing and able to work at some tattoo conventions and music events. You must be sociable, but not a reckless partier.

Email inquiries to

Monday, August 2, 2010

To the yahoos and vikings.

clearly, racism against americans is not the answer for any culture - we'll just kill them off if they have a problem with us. we can go on and on about how what we have going on here in america is so precious but really all we do is stomp on other cultures to preserve our playstation couch time. our freedom is literally at the expense of other cultures, and the environment. it's ugly....

the cia, not 'we the people,' have been in afghanistan controlling the heroin trade since waaaaay before 1992, do some research. i love what the declaration of independece means, but i hate the ugly joke that america has turned into. the govt and obama are owned by the bomb, oil and chem companies. politicians are all OWNED and voting is a sham. obama has little power to do anything. he is a media package and nothing more. the world is an enclosed shell, once we KICK THE ASS of other cultures YEAH AMERICA GO like a bunch of fucking simple cowboys, we gotta sit back and realize we have created generations of new enemies, and we're stuck on this rock with them. duh. we must show our respect for other cultures by NOT supporting our govt with our dollars. the govt's oil agenda has left you with generations of enemies, and you want to CHAMPION THE CAUSE OF OUR GOVT? america, fuck yeah, that's an ignorant way to look at it. only your dollar controls the govt. not voting or even the concept of 'freedom.' only what you spend dollars on makes a difference. trash your television, and do more than 5 minutes worth of google research. the 3 videos you have all probably watched concerning global politics were the TOP 3 VIDEOS i guess, and that's PAID PROGRAMMING not a real view of what's going on in the world. stop buying plastic, eat organic, and spend locally. cut off the machine from your blood and man hours. only in this way can we show the little terrorist babies of the future that it's our SHAM GOVT and not we the people that turned the middle east into a parking lot.

only 2 solutions i can see to fix the ugliness of our species. population control, and another main fuel source. accusing me of being communist is moot. communism is a relic. it's all going to turn into capitalism. there is organic free range beef, for thinking folks who eat beef. i'm not concerned with utopia, only realtime real world solutions. ignoring repercussions in the name of 'we are this and that greatness' has brought us to this very fucked up moment in history. acting like 'hahaha i'm a redneck viking that takes whatever i want from the world' has made the world a fucked up place you're leaving for your kids to inherit. good job, vikings. good job, conquistadors. i'm sure your kids will appreciate the narrow, selfish viewpoint you'll pass on to them. i for one hate having a nice life at the expense of the environment. eat organic so the world is less ugly. conserve fuel so the world doesn't burn. be charitable and humble...