Saturday, August 28, 2010

Old Post - The Reptilian Part of Your Brain

The first blog about this subject was not necessarily so organized, or coherent. I also didn't quite include a WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT section. I'm working on it. My apologies, I have been very excited to tell everyone!

The real tour of your mind and the universe is about two 1-hour speeches. It starts with an explanation of how music functions in the mind. Music makes a perfect introduction and also a model by which to describe other experiences. I need to make a video of it. Until then, hit me up any time...

The MAIN scary points to remember about your selfish, aggressive American tendencies are...

A) ...the three forms of reptilian-level tendencies you have that the government and media use to control you:

1-your reptilian urgency to get meaning from sound
2-your reptilian need to conserve calories
3-your reptilian hatred for virtually ANY environmental change


B) ...the foolish misconception that this reptilian brain is somehow "fixed" or unchangeable. Another variation on this lie is the idea of an "unconscious mind" that you get to blame your crappy behavior on.


Try staying mindful of these three reptilian tendencies in your behavior for just a day or two. And watch yourself blaming your bad behavior on some mysterious other being living inside your mind! You'll see similar behavior in others (never critique others! only ask them questions to lead their minds in a better direction!) ...

-be mindful of your programming, and try to watch for it manifesting in your behavior

-reach out to others about this base-level programming, especially persons with an audience or following(teachers, singers etc)

-teach children that they can do ANYTHING in life, and that they're AUTOMATICALLY angels without even trying. can they be angels if we prepare them for life them with poisonous symbol imprintation, runaway appetites, and no wisdom or compassion?

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