These are the machines we had in stock at the time of this blog post.
1. Sillver Sub/Hacker Hybrid - A giant stroke shader. Kinda slow but smooth too, not peppery. You can do wash real fast with larger groups 13+ mags etc.. Good amount of give but still the firm push of a rotary.
2. Silver Sub Ultra Light no. 2 - Another Giant stroke shader, more peppery and stabby than above. Super fun for gooey pastel colors like Intenze fleshtones etc. Also good for robotic perfect pepper shading.
3. Gold and Silver Edition no.3 - More big stroke with the smoothness here. Similar to first machine in list. Very bottom heavy, if you're concerned about perfect balance this one's for you.
4. The Cannon no. 2 - Ridiculously TITS outliner. So much fun I couldn't believe it. Whizzzzz really fast and painless and sooooo quiet. Ok I'm boasting sorry :]
5. The Nameless One - Giant stroke shader, and I mean giant. I think I measured 7 millimeters! You really feel like you are paddling a canoe when you operate this thing. Pretty smooth and painless but I still wouldn't try grey wash with anything less than a 15 mag or so. Wash with a 9 mag in this machine would be a pain in the ass haha. This one will drive a 25 mag all day long without changing.
Prices are based on how much we like the machine sentimentally, how much time went into it, and what premium market prices are for top notch tattoo machines. The functionality is the same, 100 percent on all machines. They are sculptures, in a way...